The Whispering Cairn, Part 6
Edit: These are posts I made back in 2005-2006 and have now transferred them here.
- Tyrrich – Elven, Rogue 1, Warlock 2 (male).
- Garrett – Gnome, Druid 3 (male).
- Cullen – Elven, Monk 3 (male).
- Roma - Half Orc, Rogue 1, Barbarian 1, Fighter 1 (male).
- Janna – Human, Cleric 3 (Wee Jas) (female).
Victorious after their battle with Filge the party sets to interrogate him and “sanitize” the observatory. They learn that he was brought here by Balabar Smenk, an old acquaintance of his, to research some undead activity in the area and also strange happenings in the Dourstone mines.
They decide to keep him alive for now and lock him in a room at the Feral Dog and pay someone to watch him. With that they head back to the Land farmstead to bury the bones of Alastor’s family and then to the Whispering Cairn to see if the ghost of Alastor was able to open the door he promised. Sure enough the door is unlocked and the party moves in to see what mysteries remain inside.
In the large circular room they discover wide galleries along the outer walkway. In the galleries are enormous bas-relief vistas that animate to tell the story of the Wind Dukes and the invasion of the Chaos into their domain. While investigating the vistas, the Cullen decides to inspect the column of light in the center platform of the room. When the monk approaches the column of light, an armored Warrior steps out of the light into the bridge to meet him. Cullen pauses to see what the Warrior does and the warrior slaps his swords together creating a shockwave that reverberates throughout the entire room. Roma rushes the Warrior pushing him off the bridge, however moments later the Warrior returns to the battle seemingly walking on air. A second Warrior appears from the column of light as the fight continues. Eventually the Warriors turn to dust as they are defeated by the explorers.
Upon entering the column of light the heroes are lifted up into another room and see a sarcophagus identical to the one in the lantern room. As they approach the tomb to inspect the face animates and instructs the adventures to speak his name. Remembering the translations of the glyph names found throughout the Cairn, Tyrrich correctly gives the name and a seam appears along the outside of the sarcophagus. Inside they find artifacts left behind to help fight the forces of evil.
Having fully explored the Whispering Cairn, the group heads back Diamond Lake to see if Allusten has any insight as to how to use the artifacts or what they are for. They stop at the Feral Dog to check on Filge only to find he is gone.
End of chapter 6 and final chapter to the Whispering Cairn.
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