
Showing posts from April, 2006

Blackwall Keep

Edit: This a post I made on the Paizo forums in 2006 and I now copy here. First of all let me say that I am enjoying this adventure series and I am not changing it because I do not like the way it's written. I just know my players and thought they would get a kick out of this. When the heroes arrived at Blackwall Keep it was under attack by the Lizardfolk. They fought back the Lizardfolk and secured the keep. The Cleric treated the wounds of the guards but there were a few guards that were still afflicted by something unknown. DC20 heal check was not made so she did not know they were afflicted by a slow worm. Still knowing something was not right they had the guards quarantined in the basement. The heroes then head out into the swamp to rescue the captured mage, blah, blah, blah, they rescue her. As their characters turn to head back to the Keep I hand the players new character sheets for 5 guards at Blackwall Keep. I give each guard a boost to 10 HP and a personality with a small...